Film Industry: Chicken case study research

Film Industry: Chicken case study research


1) The budget for Chicken was £110,000

2) The director, Joe Stephenson raised the £110,000 through investment of rich friends and contacts.

3) Chicken had a far smaller budget than Hollywood funded British productions e.g James Bond. Chicken had a micro-budget which was used to create the film whereas a Hollywood funded British production such as James Bond would be in the millions. Chicken also wasn't released on cinema but rather was available through DVD purchases and hardly had any advertising to promote the movie.

4) The BFI uses National Lottery funds to develop and support original UK filmmakers and films, and to increase the audiences who can enjoy them.

5) Chicken failed to secure funding from the BFI due to the controversial topics that are within the movie such as incest. Also, it focuses on a British lifestyle which is difficult and harsh which could make the BFI uninterested in funding the film.

1) The film ran into things such as difficult British weather which was unpredictable and got in the way of the shooting of the film thus prolonging the shooting of the film.

2) The film had been shot over a span of 19 days.

3) The scenes in the caravan since it was such a small and confined space making it difficult to fit the camera's in and furthermore the scene which involved in Polly confessing the truth about our main characters father which would have been difficult as it involved things such as tension and anger from both characters.


1) The trailer suggests that the film would be a film like any other. Also, by using reviews and statements from critics, it depicts the film focusing on things such as character, narrative and purpose thus targeting an audience that prefer films that are intellectual and sophistacted.

2) Film festivals that Chicken had featured in are :
  Edinburgh film festival
  The Palm beach film festival
  New Hampshire film festival

3) Film festivals are effective ways of low-budget films securing a distribution deal as it makes the film seem like it is enjoyable and good to watch as it shows that critics that review films liked the film thus making the film seem eligible to secure a distribution deal.

4) Chicken was released in cinemas on the 27th of June 2015.

5) The film subscription service MUBI advertisers itself as a film service for film lovers thus making it seem as though it focuses on films that don't entirely depend on action but rather things such as narrative, characters and purpose which would explain why Chicken was featured on the service as it doesn't rely on action but narrative, characters and purpose.

6) One of the reasons why Chicken was featured on Film 4 as the film doesn't charge the film to feature on the channel.

7) The film Chicken will be released on Itunes and other video-on-demand services in the USA and Canada on January 2018. 


1) The trailer suggests that the film Chicken would fall under the genre drama and would give the audience the pleasure of watching a film that focuses on the story and characters rather than action scenes.

2) At the end of the trailer it shows the film's social media such as Twitter and also shows the website of the film. This makes it easier for audiences to find out additional information about the film and also allows the film to spread faster as social media allows people to spread information quicker than posters or TV advertisements. 

3) Mark Kermode is a famous and renowned film critics which allows the film to garner even more attention and shows that the film is a amazing movie if a famous critic is reviewing it. This also makes the film look amazing in the eyes of other critics thus making the film seem more impressive.

4) The Twitter of the film Chicken creates interest for the films by doing things such as showing pictures of the character with reviews from critics and also features the trailer at the top making the first thing that the viewers sees. Also, it has lack of information that prevents parts of the movie being spoiled thus creating even more interest for the film.

5) The Twitter of the film Chicken re-tweets where the film is available such as iTunes and also allows the viewer to see the opinion of the platform. 

6) The Facebook of the film Chicken uses pictures that include the positive reviews and opinions of the film but also shows how the film is an Arthouse therefore showing how it is a targeting a niche audience.

7) Pages that are able to benefit and increase the promotion of the film.

8) Celebrities that are able to increase the recognition and awareness of the film thus allowing more people to watch it.

9) The website of the Film Chicken includes things such as where the film is available such as iTunes or Demand and shows how technology has influenced as it allows people to see where they are able to view the film, in this case being online showing how people are changing watching films since if they view it online they can watch it whenever they want rather than waiting for the film to air at a specific date. Also, this shows how the film is able to be free from the restrictions a film needs to have in order for it to air on the TV allowing people to watch a film that doesn't seem as though it is compromising some of its aspects such as characters, narrative and purpose just in order for it to air online.

10) The B Good Picture company's You Tube channel uses clips from the film that are normal or when the drama or emotions of the character are high which could promote Chicken as it shows the film is a film that is intellectual thus targeting a niche audience which could help the viewing of the film.


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