

The expectations I have of this film is that it will talk about the issues and problems that the main character is going to face or is facing this is because of the genre of the film.

Chiron is a character of few words as his character suppresses things. This can be shown in his sexuality and his emotions when he confronts his drug addicted mother and the bullies. Also, it allows the audiences to wonder what Chiron is thinking and how he expresses his emotions. He is reluctant to make eye-contact as he is a shy and timid  character. Also, if you make eye-contact with someone, you are able to know their emotions and how they are thinking and Chiron doesn't wants this as he suppresses himself.

The saturated colour makes Miami seem as vibrant and colourful but also contrasts with the character of Chiron.

Juan fits the role of the Mentor and also helps Chiron. He also is a father-figure to Chiron as his mother is neglects him and his father isn't present in his life. The father-figure role is expressed through Juan when he teaches Chiron the basics of swimming and things like that and teaching a child how to ride a bike, is something that usually a parent teaches to their child.

The movie takes place into the ocean as it could represent Chiron. The ocean is seen as something that is unknown and unestablished which represents how Chiron feels about his sexuality.

The thing that surprised in the final chapter is how Chiron progresses as a character to a weak and feeble to a strong and powerful. Also he becomes a drug dealer even though he was mother was addicted to drugs which effected his upbringing but also in the first chapter, we see him somewhat dissapointed at when he finds out Juan is also a drug dealer.


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