Lighting- Still image anaylsis

Lighting: Still Image analysis 

The first picture uses top-lighting which highlights the women's facial features such cheekbones and jawline. Also, this makes the women in the picture seem more glamorous but also more vulnerable. The top-lighting also prevents the background from being clearly seen making it seem as like an assortment of shadows. There is also some lighting which highlights the door between the women. This picture uses low-key lighting.

This picture also uses top-lighting and also uses high-key lighting. The picture makes the man's eyes hard to see which makes him seem more imposing and dominant. However, the picture is lighted very well and has hardly any shadows.


This picture uses top-lighting which highlights the man's shoulder and face. Also, the picture uses back-lighting and also uses lighting to highlight the gun the man is holding within the picture. The gun shows the man is violent and powerful. Also, the top-lighting hides the other side of the man face making seem menacing. This picture is low-key orientated.


This picture uses lighting which comes from the front of the women which creates a shadow between the women, also the women seems scared and petrified. This picture also uses high-key as they are more lights than shadows. Also, the lighting used hides the women's shoulder and a little bit of her back.

This picture is high-key as they are more lights than shadows. Also, there are lights coming from the window blinds which further increases the intimacy between the two people. The lighting coming from behind the women makes seem as though she is in the man's shadow. The blind also divide the amount of light that the people get.


This picture uses back-lighting to create a silhouette of the people walking in the tunnel, this also creates a large shadow which overshadows the person laying in the floor, this makes the people seem as menacing and sinister.There is low-key lighting which used to create the lasting shadow.


This picture uses low-key lighting and also uses lighting from the front which helps creates a shadow on the wall behind. Although, there is a key-light which is on the right-side of the woman's face, there is also a large amount of shadows which shows the contrast between the light and dark.

This picture uses high-key lighting as the difference between light and dark is less noticeable. There is some top-lighting as well which is used to light the person's face which creates a shadow below the person's jaw. 


This picture is low-key lighting as there is more darkness than light which obscures the person included in the image making them hard distinguish. There is back-lighting used as well to make the character's silhouette easier to see to the viewer.

This is high-key lighting and using front lighting which can be seen as it casts a shadow  on the wall behind them.
